Sexual satisfaction and self-esteem of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer
INTRODUCTION: Sexual satisfaction is a significant impact on self-esteem and self-attraction. In recent years, prostate cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed malignancies in men. The consequence of the disease and complications after treatment contribute to the emergence of urological and sexological problems that can negatively affect men's self-esteem. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The study included 74 men who were patients of the urology ward at the Clinical Hospital of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin. RESULTS: The study showed that there is a statistically significant relationship r = 0.47 between the level of erectile dysfunction and the self-esteem of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer. The study also showed that patients undergoing treatment have globally lower levels of self-esteem. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the conducted research indicate the need for further exploration of the problem regarding oncological treatment of men combined with erectile dysfunction and the impact of sexual function on the quality of life and patient self-esteem.
Keywords: sexual satisfactionprostate cancerwell-being
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