The beliefs of women regarding the use of pornography by men
Introduction: This publication verifies how women view men who view pornography and the phenomenon
itself and how it affects women’s sexual satisfaction.
Material and methods: The study was conducted using the questionnaire. It was attended by 184 women
aged 18–37 (M = 21). The study was based on an online questionnaire, using its own questionnaire. He
studied the beliefs of women regarding pornography by their partners. The second tool was Rosenberg’s
Self-Esteem Scale (SES).
Results and conclusions: Based on the survey, 41.9% of women know that their partners use pornography.
In this group, the majority (59.6%) do not consider this a problem. Pornography is not a cause for argument,
is not treated by women as betrayal, nor does it cast doubt on the emotional involvement of a partner. Watching
pornography by partner does not affect the satisfaction of a woman’s sexual life. Negative perception
of this phenomenon may be influenced by low self-esteem of women.
Keywords: pornographyself-esteemsexual satisfaction of women
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