English Polski
Vol 13, No 2 (2015)
Research paper
Published online: 2016-02-02

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Sexual satisfaction, self-esteem and sexual perception of students

Patryk Lisikiewicz, Marta Rawińska
Seksuologia Polska 2015;13(2).


Introduction: The study presents teachers’ perspective on students in erotic way. This aspect seems to be very important as far as human nature — regardless of the social functions performed — always affects our behavior.

Material and methods: The research group consisted of 34 people. We analyzed the impact of the level of self-esteem and sexual satisfaction on three measures: direct (erotic behavior), within the mind, and within the perceived attractiveness. One has used the SES and SSS questionnaires and survey.

Results: There are significant differences within the particular subgroups considering sexual satisfaction. The sexual satisfaction is the lowest in the group performing direct erotic behavior, the effect then was a little higher in the group showing thoughts, and the highest in the group showing only fantasies. There are also significant differences in the level of self-esteem among the group performing action, and those not performing action. The level of self-esteem was higher in the group performing action.

Conclusions: The most important results are found in the level of sexual satisfaction - the lower the sexual satisfaction, the greater the likelihood, sequentially, to notice the attractiveness of the students, the prevalence of thinking about the students and taking action for social gathering with the students. The level of self-esteem does not affect the noticing of attractiveness of students, or fantasizing, differentiating only individuals performing action and those not taking action.