English Polski
Vol 11, No 2 (2013)
Review paper
Published online: 2013-12-10

open access

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The utility of polygraph examinations in treatment and supervision of sex offenders

Agnieszka Leszczyńska
Seksuologia Polska 2013;11(2).


The article presents contemporary capabilities and usefulness of polygraph instrument in therapy and supervision of the specific group of criminals who committed sex offenses, then were convicted and put on probation. There are four main types of sex offenders polygraph testing: specific issue testing, sexual history disclosure, maintenance and monitoring examinations. It is scientifically proved that polygraph examinations improve the protection of victims and the prevention of future victimization. Sex offenders make more disclosures regarding their sexual history and also their future behaviour is more predictable between periodic examinations. Examples of researches and practical usage of polygraph in the United States and Great Britain were provided. Applying this method results in better risk management and reduces recidivism. The author therefore encourages to make some legislative changes in Polish penal code so that polygraph procedures in sex offenders supervision could be widely implemented in Poland.