Vol 11, No 1 (2013)
Research paper
Published online: 2013-07-02
Visiting a gynecologist and the patient–physician relationship among women who have sex with women
Seksuologia Polska 2013;11(1).
Introduction: The aim of the article is to present the results of the study concerning the frequency of visiting a gynecologist
and the experiences of the patient–physician relationship between women who have sex with women.
Material and methods: 243 women who have had at least one sexual intercourse with another woman participated
in the study. The questionnaire measuring women’s experiences in the patient-gynecologist relationship and their
needs and expectancies was constructed.
Results: Women who have had sex solely with women visited a gynecologist least often. 8.2% women informed their
general practitioner and 35.3% their gynecologist about their sexual experiences with women. 31.7% of examined
women would like to inform their GP and 69.1% their gynecologist about their sex with women. Women disclosed
their sexual experiences with women most often due to the need of correcting physician’s wrong assumptions
about their sexual life. The examined women would like to obtain more information from gynecologists, especially related to sexually transmitted diseases and safe sex methods. Three aspects of health care system which should
be changed were pointed out by the women: 1) awareness of the existence of sex between women, 2) professional
approach and knowledge, 3) tolerance and respect.
Conclusions: There is a growing need for improving in Poland the GPs’ and particularly the gynecologists’ awareness
and knowledge about sex between women in order to enhance the quality of health services. The results of
the study should also be taken into account when designing health care campaigns dedicated to women.
and the experiences of the patient–physician relationship between women who have sex with women.
Material and methods: 243 women who have had at least one sexual intercourse with another woman participated
in the study. The questionnaire measuring women’s experiences in the patient-gynecologist relationship and their
needs and expectancies was constructed.
Results: Women who have had sex solely with women visited a gynecologist least often. 8.2% women informed their
general practitioner and 35.3% their gynecologist about their sexual experiences with women. 31.7% of examined
women would like to inform their GP and 69.1% their gynecologist about their sex with women. Women disclosed
their sexual experiences with women most often due to the need of correcting physician’s wrong assumptions
about their sexual life. The examined women would like to obtain more information from gynecologists, especially related to sexually transmitted diseases and safe sex methods. Three aspects of health care system which should
be changed were pointed out by the women: 1) awareness of the existence of sex between women, 2) professional
approach and knowledge, 3) tolerance and respect.
Conclusions: There is a growing need for improving in Poland the GPs’ and particularly the gynecologists’ awareness
and knowledge about sex between women in order to enhance the quality of health services. The results of
the study should also be taken into account when designing health care campaigns dedicated to women.
Keywords: sexual activityhealth caresexual orientationhomosexualitybisexuality