English Polski
Vol 1, No 2 (2003)
Research paper
Published online: 2003-10-22

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The roles taken by children in an incestuous family

Izabela Spychała
Seksuologia Polska 2003;1(2):51-61.


Introduction. The aim of this study was to analyze incestuous dependent family, and it’s abuse of sexuality model, the character of addicted person, consequences of the incest’s incidents before 15th year of life, and dependence between children role and perpetrator.
Material and methods. Anonymous questionnaire study, for women not younger than 18 years old. To reach this target the following questionnaires have been made: defining children role, abuse of sexuality model, perpetrator’s character, chosen incest consequences.
Results and conclusions. The group of 26 incest’s victims, who were from dependent family, was compared to the group of 45 people from dependent family, but without any incestuous experiences. Results: in incestuous families there is erotic bringing up, which is father responsible for. It can suggests the patriar-chal family model. When the addicted person is wife there is incest more frequently. Her absence for husband causes, that he and his needs are getting closer to daughter. Mother, because of her addiction, doesn’t see the danger and/or signals of incest. Child can be a victim no matter what role is he/she is playing, but Hero would rather more often be exploited by his father, and Mascot by grandfather. The most frequently the oldest daughter will be the Hero, because she is taking everyday mother duties, also sexual with time. The consequences of incest: feeling of psychiatric disease, suicide and self-mutilation attempts, and the will to hurt himself/herself or the others. The defence mechanisms like negation, illusion, dissociation - can’t protect the victim from trauma consequences. The most often children attack themselves, think that that was their fault, or deface their bodies, what is the most worthy for the perpetrator.

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