Vol 3, No 1 (2005)
Other materials agreed with the Editors
Published online: 2004-11-17
Gynecologic problems in childhood and adolescents patients associated with stress and psychosexual problems
Seksuologia Polska 2005;3(1):32-35.
The reproductive tract in children and adolescents is somewhat different in structure, hormonal support,
and function from that of adult female, yet many of the same gynecologic disorders occur in both grups.
Many gynecologic problems in childhood and adolescents patients are associated with stress and psychosexual
Stress is a significant factor influencing the mechanisms of menstruation cycle at any period of life of
a woman. Its influence is particularly strong during puberty. It was been proved that it contributes to the
increase in the opioid level (e.g. beta-Endorphines) causing problems with the correct pulsating GnRH
secretion, and as a result, the FSH, LH secretion. Opioids serve as neuromodulations of hypothalamus
— pituitary — ovarian axis.
Keywords: childhood and adolescents patientsgynecologypsychologysexology