Vol 3, No 2 (2005)
Review paper
Published online: 2005-07-04
Victims of child sexual abuse as a problem in adolescent gynecology
Seksuologia Polska 2005;3(2):64-68.
A friendly atmosphere, empathy, intimacy and delicacy are needed in gynecological practice for adolescents,
especially in examining sexually molested children. Every medical procedure should be precisely
adjusted to child;s physical and psychical stage of development and should be specific to the type of
reported abuse.
A well prepared, established pattern of management with victims for health-care providers is required
enabling to take a proper history and perform precise examination in emotionally stigmated children.
Much should be done to avoid additional trauma, what is important for further individual therapy, and at
the same time to authenticate the abuse.
61 suspected victims of sexual abuse were evaluated in the Adolescent Gynecology Outpatient Clinic in
1993-2005. Despite physical lesions, deep emotional trauma was observed as a main outcome in the
follow-up in this group.
A long-time, complex care, including medical, psychological and sometimes psychiatric care should be
offered to sexually abused children.
Keywords: sexual abusechildgynecological evaluationsexology