Vol 4, No 1 (2006)
Review paper
Published online: 2006-01-19
Hermeneutic of homosexuality
Seksuologia Polska 2006;4(1):43-46.
Each reality can make a research object for hermeneutics, because only through interpretation we can try
to understand it. According to hermeneutics, what exists between human's carnality, his sexuality and
emotionality must pass the way of symbol. Stopping only at outwardness (what the nature science does) is
the analytical interpretation of reality. The phenomenon of homosexuality doesn't only deal with the fact
as an individual one, but most of all with what it expresses, reveals and finally what it does inform about.
To adequately explore the issue of homosexual hermeneutics we have to achieve "reconciliation" of
outwardness and inwardness going on in human's drama of incomprehension.
Keywords: hermeneutichomosexualitycarnalitybody languagesexual behavior