Vol 5, No 2 (2007)
Review paper
Published online: 2007-09-07
Musculinity and feminity as a system of introjects view of clinical material
Seksuologia Polska 2007;5(2):71-81.
Work „Masculinity-femininity as a system of introjects in view of clinical material” broachmes the topic of
sex differences, concentrating on sexological and psychological believes. It is composed of 5 chapters.
Author of the first three chapters analyses in detail the meaning of those items, quoting the believes of many
authors about the sexual identity, sexual identification and the introject. Introject is here a key item allowing
to understand the process of formalization of defined believes or stances concerning different sex.
The believes of the most eminent representatives of psychological thoughts are quoted (Freud, Bettelheim,
Jung, Horney, Fromm etc.). The fourth sub-section broaches the phenomenon of jealousy about the attributes
of different sex. All is illustrated by three examples from clinical research of the author. The work shows
the complexity of items and their volatility depending on the period they were analyzed. It has a character
of a review and the clinical illustrations are a complement of broached thesises and believes.
Keywords: sexologypsychoanalysismasculinityfemininityintrojectsexual identitysexual identification