Vol 7, No 2 (2009)
Review paper
Published online: 2009-12-10
Sexual health of persons with spine injuries complicated by neurological disorders
Seksuologia Polska 2009;7(2):65-72.
Despite of World Health Organization recognizes sexual health as an important component of human wellbeing,
sexual life quality of physically disabled persons is still neglected in medical and psychosocial rehabilitation.
One of causes of this situation is poor knowledge about consequences of a physical disability on
sexual life and inadequate opinions that these negative consequences are irreversible. The purpose of this
paper is to present the state of the art of sexual health concentrating on people with spinal injuries complicated
by neurological deficite. The influence of an injury on sexual reaction in women and men were considered.
Moreover, fertility aspects and specific problems with pregnancies and labors were discussed. The
performed review may be helpful in elaboration of sexual rehabilitation of these patients.
Keywords: sexual healthphysical disabilityspinal cord injuriespregnancylabor