Vol 8, No 1 (2010)
Research paper
Published online: 2010-08-04
Influence of some medication on erectile dysfunction in patients with diabetes mellitus
Seksuologia Polska 2010;8(1):20-25.
Introduction. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of late complication of diabetes mellitus. The etiology of ED in
diabetes mellitus is multifactorial, with neurovascular, endothelial, endocrinologial factors playing a prominent
role. Some medications have been associated with erectile dysfunction. The aim of this retrospective,
epidemiological questionnaire study was assess influence of some medication (β-blockers, diuretics,
ACE-inhibitors, histamine-2 receptors, antagonists psychotropic drugs, anxiolitic, oral anti-hyperglycemic
agents /on ED in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM).
Material and metods. Diabetic men (6670) were included (39 did not agree to participate) to the study. The mean age of the patient was 55.14 ± 12.11 yrs (mean ± SD). We analyzed a group of 1072 men with type 1 DM (age 40.71 ± 12.38 yrs) and 5538 men with type 2 DM (age 57.94 ± 9.88 yrs).
Results. Erectile dysfunction was found in 4637 (69.52%) men in all group, in patients with DM type 1 was reported in 591 (55.13%) men, and in patients with type 2 DM in 4009 (74.39%). Patients in all study group with erectile dysfunction significantly more frequent were treated with β-blokers (3.02%; p < 0.01), diuretics (3.37%; p < 0.01), ACE inhibitors (8.42%; p < 0.05) than patients with DM don’t suffer from erectile dysfunction. H2 blokers, psychotropic drugs, anxiolitics, oral anti hyperglycemic agents were taken in the same frequency in both of group.
Conclusions. Patients with type 1 DM and erectile dysfunction significantly more frequencly taken diuretics (2.64%, p < 0.01) and ACE inhibitors (7.04, p < 0.05), than men without erectile dysfunction.
Conclusion: Some medication can been associated with erectile dysfunction in patients with DM.
Polish Sexology 2010; 8 (1): 20-25
Material and metods. Diabetic men (6670) were included (39 did not agree to participate) to the study. The mean age of the patient was 55.14 ± 12.11 yrs (mean ± SD). We analyzed a group of 1072 men with type 1 DM (age 40.71 ± 12.38 yrs) and 5538 men with type 2 DM (age 57.94 ± 9.88 yrs).
Results. Erectile dysfunction was found in 4637 (69.52%) men in all group, in patients with DM type 1 was reported in 591 (55.13%) men, and in patients with type 2 DM in 4009 (74.39%). Patients in all study group with erectile dysfunction significantly more frequent were treated with β-blokers (3.02%; p < 0.01), diuretics (3.37%; p < 0.01), ACE inhibitors (8.42%; p < 0.05) than patients with DM don’t suffer from erectile dysfunction. H2 blokers, psychotropic drugs, anxiolitics, oral anti hyperglycemic agents were taken in the same frequency in both of group.
Conclusions. Patients with type 1 DM and erectile dysfunction significantly more frequencly taken diuretics (2.64%, p < 0.01) and ACE inhibitors (7.04, p < 0.05), than men without erectile dysfunction.
Conclusion: Some medication can been associated with erectile dysfunction in patients with DM.
Polish Sexology 2010; 8 (1): 20-25
Keywords: diabetes mellituserectile dysfunctionmedication