Vol 8, No 2 (2010)
Research paper
Published online: 2011-06-22
A comparison of MMPI-2 profiles of homosexual and heterosexual men
Seksuologia Polska 2010;8(2):47-54.
Introduction. The aim of the presented work is to compare MMPI-2 profiles in a group of homosexual and
heterosexual men.
Material and methods. The project included 110 men: 55 homosexual and 55 heterosexual men. The sexual orientation of each participant was determined by his direct declaration. The study involved the revised version of The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2). Results. The obtained results indicate significant differences between homosexual and heterosexual men in validity scales, clinical scales, Harris-Lingoes subscales, Masculinity-Femininity and Social Introversion subscales. In validity scales we observed differences in terms of: Lie (L, p = 0.001), Infrequency (F, p = 0.001) and Correction (K, p = 0.001). The results indicated significant differences between homosexual and heterosexual men in clinical scales: Depression (p = 0.001), Hysteria (p = 0.004), Psychopathic Deviate (p = 0.001), Femininity- Masculinity (p = 0.001), Paranoia (p = 0.001), Psychasthenia (p = 0.001), Schizophrenia (p = 0.001), Hypomania (p = 0.044) and Social Introversion (p = 0.030). We observed significant differences in Harris- Lingoes subscales: Subjective Depression (p = 0.001), Psychomotor Retardation (p = 0.041), Physical Malfunctioning (p = 0.008), Mental Dullness (p = 0.001), Brooding (p = 0.001), Denial of Social Anxiety (p = 0.001), Need for Affection (p = 0.007), Lassitude-Malaise (p = 0.001), Somatic Complaints (p = 0,010), Familial Discord (p = 0.001), Authority Problems (p = 0.001), Social Imperturbability (p = 0.034), Social Alienation (p = 0.001), Self-Alienation (p = 0.001), Persecutory Ideas (p = 0.001), Poignancy (p = 0,001), Social Alienation (p = 0.001), Emotional Alienation (p = 0.002), Lack of Ego Mastery-Cognitive (p = 0.001), Lack of Ego Mastery- Conative (p = 0.001), Lack of Ego Mastery-Defective Inhibition (p = 0.001), Bizarre Sensory Experiences (p = 0.001), Amorality (p = 0.014), Psychomotor Acceleration (p = 0.001), Imperturbability (p = 0.004), Ego Inflation (p = 0.012). We observed significant differences in Masculinity-Femininity subscales: Denial of Stereotypic Masculine Interests (p = 0.001), Hypersensitivity-Anxiety (p = 0.001), Low Cynicism (p = 0.001), Feminine Gender Identity (p = 0.001), Restraint from Loud and Aggressive Interests and Behaviors (p = 0.001) and two Social Introversion subscales: Shyness/Self-Consciousness (p = 0.004) i Alienation-Self and Others (p = 0.001).
Conclusion. The presented study showed evidence to support the thesis that there are statistically significant differences between homosexual and heterosexual men in MMPI-2 profiles.
Polish Sexology 2010; 8 (2): 47-54
Material and methods. The project included 110 men: 55 homosexual and 55 heterosexual men. The sexual orientation of each participant was determined by his direct declaration. The study involved the revised version of The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2). Results. The obtained results indicate significant differences between homosexual and heterosexual men in validity scales, clinical scales, Harris-Lingoes subscales, Masculinity-Femininity and Social Introversion subscales. In validity scales we observed differences in terms of: Lie (L, p = 0.001), Infrequency (F, p = 0.001) and Correction (K, p = 0.001). The results indicated significant differences between homosexual and heterosexual men in clinical scales: Depression (p = 0.001), Hysteria (p = 0.004), Psychopathic Deviate (p = 0.001), Femininity- Masculinity (p = 0.001), Paranoia (p = 0.001), Psychasthenia (p = 0.001), Schizophrenia (p = 0.001), Hypomania (p = 0.044) and Social Introversion (p = 0.030). We observed significant differences in Harris- Lingoes subscales: Subjective Depression (p = 0.001), Psychomotor Retardation (p = 0.041), Physical Malfunctioning (p = 0.008), Mental Dullness (p = 0.001), Brooding (p = 0.001), Denial of Social Anxiety (p = 0.001), Need for Affection (p = 0.007), Lassitude-Malaise (p = 0.001), Somatic Complaints (p = 0,010), Familial Discord (p = 0.001), Authority Problems (p = 0.001), Social Imperturbability (p = 0.034), Social Alienation (p = 0.001), Self-Alienation (p = 0.001), Persecutory Ideas (p = 0.001), Poignancy (p = 0,001), Social Alienation (p = 0.001), Emotional Alienation (p = 0.002), Lack of Ego Mastery-Cognitive (p = 0.001), Lack of Ego Mastery- Conative (p = 0.001), Lack of Ego Mastery-Defective Inhibition (p = 0.001), Bizarre Sensory Experiences (p = 0.001), Amorality (p = 0.014), Psychomotor Acceleration (p = 0.001), Imperturbability (p = 0.004), Ego Inflation (p = 0.012). We observed significant differences in Masculinity-Femininity subscales: Denial of Stereotypic Masculine Interests (p = 0.001), Hypersensitivity-Anxiety (p = 0.001), Low Cynicism (p = 0.001), Feminine Gender Identity (p = 0.001), Restraint from Loud and Aggressive Interests and Behaviors (p = 0.001) and two Social Introversion subscales: Shyness/Self-Consciousness (p = 0.004) i Alienation-Self and Others (p = 0.001).
Conclusion. The presented study showed evidence to support the thesis that there are statistically significant differences between homosexual and heterosexual men in MMPI-2 profiles.
Polish Sexology 2010; 8 (2): 47-54
Keywords: sexualityhomosexualityMMPI-2