Vol 9, No 2 (2011)
Research paper
Published online: 2012-05-02
Ocena wiedzy fizjoterapeutów na temat rehabilitacji seksualnej osób niepełnosprawnych
Seksuologia Polska 2011;9(2):69-75.
Introduction. Conducting the sexual rehabilitation (SR) is included in competence of the physiotherapist. An
evaluation of young physiotherapists knowledge about issues concerning the sexual rehabilitation was
a purpose of the work.
Material and methods. 100 physiotherapists took part in the questionnaire examination (77 female and 23 male) and 66 persons (39 female and 27 male) with motor disability. In the questionnaire form the questions concerning the knowledge about sexual rehabilitation were asked as well as expectations connected with SR in groups of physiotherapists and disabled persons.
Results. Almost half (45%) of the whole of respondents didn’t felt prepared to the work with motor disabled people. Every third (34%) examined is assessing his/her state of the knowledge as moderate. None of physiotherapists determined his knowledge as very good. In examined group 2/3 of respondents is admitting that knowledge brought during learning/studies weren’t concerning information about sexual life of disabled persons. Even those (34%) persons who were informed about SR claims that the gathered knowledge hadn’t prepared them fully to the work in that matter. Most of examined physiotherapists (83%) felt the need of improve their knowledge and to be involved in courses concerning issues associated with the sexual life of disabled persons. Respondents from both examined groups emphasized the role of the physiotherapist in the process of the sexual rehabilitation. Physiotherapists showed that in a hierarchy of importance they see themselves right behind the sexuologist and the gynaecologist. In the other group 39% of disabled persons admitted that apart from the sexuologist (71%), of gynaecologist (44%) and psychologist (39%), would like to receive the knowledge about SR from the physiotherapists.
Conclusions. Lack of information about sexual rehabilitation of disabled persons given during studies causes incomplete preparing graduates realization of to the holistic model of the rehabilitation. 2. Both disabled and physiotherapists group, are pointing at the significant value of the physiotherapist in the process of the sexual rehabilitation. Towards the insufficient preparation of physiotherapists to the accomplishment of these tasks, specialization of the sexual rehabilitation should be launched.
Material and methods. 100 physiotherapists took part in the questionnaire examination (77 female and 23 male) and 66 persons (39 female and 27 male) with motor disability. In the questionnaire form the questions concerning the knowledge about sexual rehabilitation were asked as well as expectations connected with SR in groups of physiotherapists and disabled persons.
Results. Almost half (45%) of the whole of respondents didn’t felt prepared to the work with motor disabled people. Every third (34%) examined is assessing his/her state of the knowledge as moderate. None of physiotherapists determined his knowledge as very good. In examined group 2/3 of respondents is admitting that knowledge brought during learning/studies weren’t concerning information about sexual life of disabled persons. Even those (34%) persons who were informed about SR claims that the gathered knowledge hadn’t prepared them fully to the work in that matter. Most of examined physiotherapists (83%) felt the need of improve their knowledge and to be involved in courses concerning issues associated with the sexual life of disabled persons. Respondents from both examined groups emphasized the role of the physiotherapist in the process of the sexual rehabilitation. Physiotherapists showed that in a hierarchy of importance they see themselves right behind the sexuologist and the gynaecologist. In the other group 39% of disabled persons admitted that apart from the sexuologist (71%), of gynaecologist (44%) and psychologist (39%), would like to receive the knowledge about SR from the physiotherapists.
Conclusions. Lack of information about sexual rehabilitation of disabled persons given during studies causes incomplete preparing graduates realization of to the holistic model of the rehabilitation. 2. Both disabled and physiotherapists group, are pointing at the significant value of the physiotherapist in the process of the sexual rehabilitation. Towards the insufficient preparation of physiotherapists to the accomplishment of these tasks, specialization of the sexual rehabilitation should be launched.
Keywords: sexual rehabilitationdisabilityphysiotherapistsknowledge evaluation