English Polski
Vol 10, No 1 (2012)
Research paper
Published online: 2012-09-07

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Expectations of disabled persons and physiotherapists towards sexual rehabilitation

Jakub Grzegorz Adamczyk, Sylwia Kocyk, Dariusz Boguszewski
Seksuologia Polska 2012;10(1):21-27.


Introduction. Key element in conducting the effective sexual rehabilitation (SR) is not only an adequate knowledge, but also understanding needs and expectations of patients. Comparing expectations of persons with motor disability and physiotherapists towards the sexual rehabilitation was a purpose of the work.
Material and method. One hundred physiotherapists took part in the questionnaire examination (77 female and 23 male) and 66 persons with motor disability (39 female and 27 male). In questionnaire form questions about role of the SR in the comprehensive model of the rehabilitation were asked as well as expected range of activities it should contain.
Results. Both groups appreciate the role of sexual contacts in the everyday life. At the majority (67%) of disabled the initiation took place after becoming disable, what is breaking the stereotyped image of their sexual possibilities. Both disabled persons and physiotherapists are giving the sexual rehabilitation high rank in the holistic model of rehabilitation. For SR basic aims examined persons recognized firstly breaking myths, fears and stereotypes by informing the society and secondly individual adapting appropriate sexual positions. An essential relation was demonstrated (p < 0.05) between pointing at the important role of the sexual rehabilitation and independent seeking the knowledge onto this subject. The considerable part of disabled persons never met with issues of the SR. The proper information should be available mainly from doctors, psychologists and physiotherapists.
Conclusions. 1. In group of disabled persons expectations towards the sexual rehabilitation are growing, but they have problems with finding adequate knowledge in this subject. Special courses should be led for persons, from which they expect the help at first (doctors, physiotherapists). 2. The common knowledge about the sexuality of disabled is mostly based on stereotypes, that’s why breaking them should be one of the main aims of the sexual rehabilitation.

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