Vol 10, No 1 (2012)
Research paper
Published online: 2012-09-07
Surgical reconstruction of the hymen. Fifteen years later
Seksuologia Polska 2012;10(1):9-14.
Introduction. In the year 1997 a report about hymenoplasty in Poland appeared. Since that time many new aspects about mentioned topic have emerged. 92 own cases of hymen reconstructions conducted in years 1977–2012 were thoroughly analysed.
Material and methods. The material gathered in years 1977–2012, was developed basing on statements made by 92 own patients who decided to have surgical reconstruction of hymen. The content of women’s declarations made before surgery was recorded on specially designed questionnaires, containing 9 questions. It was a part of medical history put into medical documentation. The data used to draw conclusions was presented in a tables as percentage.
Results. The majority of patients was aged 20–25 years — 64.13%. Catholics constituted — 88.04% of all patients, they were mainly inhabitants of southern — 39.13% and eastern — 30.44% part of Poland. Among reasons for having the operation, at the forefront were: deadly fear of revealing lack of virginity in the living environment — 47,83% and question, religious bound pongs of conscience — 29,35%. 69,56% of patients decided to have the recontruction of hymen in the period of 3–5 years from sexual initiation.
Conclusions. Surgery aiming to bringing back the anatomy of hymen from the time before defloration is not a common phenomenon in Poland. Nevertheless it is worth noticing it, as a truly existing part of contemporary sexual customs.
Keywords: virginityhymen reconstructionreasons of having the operation