Vol 10, No 1 (2012)
Research paper
Published online: 2012-09-07
Sexual health of men. Selected issues
Seksuologia Polska 2012;10(1):1-8.
Introduction. The goal of this paper is to discuss selected problems of men’s sexual health and the influence
of such problems upon their relationships.
Material and methods. The quantitative research of Zbigniew Izdebski and Polpharma, performed by TNS OBOP, was made in July–October 2011 in the nationwide, representative sample of 3206 of residents of Poland at the age of 15–59. The aim of the research was an attempt to characterize sexual life and health. The research was made in the form of direct interviews at the respondents’ homes and a questionnaire to be filled out by the respondents. For the purpose of this paper, the data of men, n = 1605, was analyzed. While describing the relation between the erection disorders and the self-evaluation and assessment of the relationship durability, some findings of the author’s research shall be quoted. The research was conducted in 2007 in a nationwide, representative sample of 900 men older than 50 where a questionnaire was filled out by the respondents and they were also interviewed.
Results. Satisfaction with their sexual life is definitely high among the surveyed men (68% of the replies). Nearly 58% of the respondents defined the role of sex in their lives as significant whereas merely 9% of the men who declared any problems with their sexual life which had occurred in the last 12 months sought any help. Men older than 45 more often suffer from diseases of the prostatic gland. People at this age are advised to have their prostate examined regularly as a form of prophylaxis. Majority of the surveyed men were of a younger age. However, only 17% of forty-year-old men had their prostate examined whereas the proportion was slightly higher than 35% among men older than 50. Premature ejaculation occurs among nearly 7% of the surveyed men, and 1.5% of the respondents declared no ejaculation at all. The research showed that 7% of men who had sexually initiated had problems with erection within the last 12 months. The proportion was 13.1% among men in their 50’s. The smallest proportion of men who declared problems with erection (4.5%) was among men at the age of 30–39. More than 25% of men used medications to improve their potency, which included 17% of those who used medications available without prescription and diet supplements, and nearly 8% used drugs prescribed by a doctor. As many as 71% of the surveyed men admitted that they manage to achieve and maintain erection owing to medications, and 67% of the respondents noticed a prolonged erection. Living in a relationship substantially differentiates sexual satisfaction and the highest proportion of men satisfied with their sexual life are those who live in a formal relationship (59%) Nearly half of the surveyed men (48%) is of the opinion that erection disorders may negatively affect a relationship or even bring it to a break-up.
Conclusions. The findings of the research presented in the paper suggest that the subjective dimension of men’s sexual life should be highly assessed, which is proved by definite majority of the respondents who are satisfied with their sexual life. Most satisfied with this area of life are men at the age of 25–39, i.e. in the period of life when sexual activity is highest, and many men live in regular relationships. Problems and difficulties related to sexual life occur more often among men who turned the age of 50. Within the population of men little care for their sexual life is apparent — majority of them do not seek specialists’ help and they do not have preventive examinations done. More activeness should be expected from doctors as for their discussions about human sexuality with patients.
Material and methods. The quantitative research of Zbigniew Izdebski and Polpharma, performed by TNS OBOP, was made in July–October 2011 in the nationwide, representative sample of 3206 of residents of Poland at the age of 15–59. The aim of the research was an attempt to characterize sexual life and health. The research was made in the form of direct interviews at the respondents’ homes and a questionnaire to be filled out by the respondents. For the purpose of this paper, the data of men, n = 1605, was analyzed. While describing the relation between the erection disorders and the self-evaluation and assessment of the relationship durability, some findings of the author’s research shall be quoted. The research was conducted in 2007 in a nationwide, representative sample of 900 men older than 50 where a questionnaire was filled out by the respondents and they were also interviewed.
Results. Satisfaction with their sexual life is definitely high among the surveyed men (68% of the replies). Nearly 58% of the respondents defined the role of sex in their lives as significant whereas merely 9% of the men who declared any problems with their sexual life which had occurred in the last 12 months sought any help. Men older than 45 more often suffer from diseases of the prostatic gland. People at this age are advised to have their prostate examined regularly as a form of prophylaxis. Majority of the surveyed men were of a younger age. However, only 17% of forty-year-old men had their prostate examined whereas the proportion was slightly higher than 35% among men older than 50. Premature ejaculation occurs among nearly 7% of the surveyed men, and 1.5% of the respondents declared no ejaculation at all. The research showed that 7% of men who had sexually initiated had problems with erection within the last 12 months. The proportion was 13.1% among men in their 50’s. The smallest proportion of men who declared problems with erection (4.5%) was among men at the age of 30–39. More than 25% of men used medications to improve their potency, which included 17% of those who used medications available without prescription and diet supplements, and nearly 8% used drugs prescribed by a doctor. As many as 71% of the surveyed men admitted that they manage to achieve and maintain erection owing to medications, and 67% of the respondents noticed a prolonged erection. Living in a relationship substantially differentiates sexual satisfaction and the highest proportion of men satisfied with their sexual life are those who live in a formal relationship (59%) Nearly half of the surveyed men (48%) is of the opinion that erection disorders may negatively affect a relationship or even bring it to a break-up.
Conclusions. The findings of the research presented in the paper suggest that the subjective dimension of men’s sexual life should be highly assessed, which is proved by definite majority of the respondents who are satisfied with their sexual life. Most satisfied with this area of life are men at the age of 25–39, i.e. in the period of life when sexual activity is highest, and many men live in regular relationships. Problems and difficulties related to sexual life occur more often among men who turned the age of 50. Within the population of men little care for their sexual life is apparent — majority of them do not seek specialists’ help and they do not have preventive examinations done. More activeness should be expected from doctors as for their discussions about human sexuality with patients.
Keywords: sexualitysexual healtherection disordersrelations in relationship