Cognitive-behavioural group therapy for paraphilic child molesters
The article shows perpetrators of sexual offences against the children, both a preferential and a substitute ones. A preferential perpetrators take on sexual behavior against children because they are affected by sexual dysfunction in the form of pedophilia (ICD-10 ― F65.4; DSM-V ― 302.2). A substitute perpetrators prefer more adults as a sexual partner, but because of various bio-psycho-social determinants, they take on sexual relation with the children, and treat them as a substitute partner. From clinical and legal point of view, the therapy should be applied to preferential perpetrators of sexual offences against children.
The article shows the evaluation of specialist interactions of perpetrators of sexual offenses. The differences, that has been found in he way of re-committing a sexual crimes, can be caused by using a different therapeutic approaches, but also can be result of methodological differences in individual meta-analyzes.
The authors present, the self-prepared program which has been used in clinical work as the program for the preferential perpetrators of pedophile behavior in the cognitive-behavioral domain.
Keywords: pedophiliachild molesterspedophilic actscognitive-behavioural therapy
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