75. Validity of accelerated hyperfractionated conformal radiation therapy and monitoring of treatment results in patients with advanced NSCLC. Assessment of tolerance and early failure
The assessment of the early failure and toxicity of treatment for the advanced NSCLC using the accelerated hyperfractional conformal irradiation
13 patients (12 men, 1woman, aged 50 – 74), in good performance status/70–90 points of Karnofsky scale/were treated.
Patients have been irradiated with 15 MV or 6 MV photon two times a day with 6 hours break using 1.25 Gy fraction to total dose 50 Gy. PTV ranged from 599 to 1104 cm3 (mean 858 cm3).
The mean tumor dimension before and 6 weeks after finishing treatment with the use of CT have been assessed.
3 early failure have been observed, all outside of PTV. The 2/3 of that recurrence have been recognized by CT. These patients have been ordered to chemotherapy. The mean tumor dimension was equal to 2,38 cm 6 weeks after finishing of treatment. This means 44% regression of the mean tumor dimension. No side effects and deteriorations of performance status have been observed.
All patients have finished the treatment, all are in follow up, alive.
The accelerated hyperfractioned regimen can be carried out in outpatients service if PTV is smaller than 1000 cm3.
Observed early recurrence two months of follow up are connected with a progression of a tumor outside of irradiated volume.