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Published online: 2025-02-27

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Assessment of the exposure to ionizing radiation of the Nuclear Medicine Department in the Greater Poland Cancer Centre in years 2008–2023

Katarzyna Klappa1, Paulina Cegla1, Witold Cholewinski12, Patrycja Mantaj3


Background: The aim of the study was to analyze the individual doses received by the staff of the Nuclear Medicine Department at the Greater Poland Cancer Centre, with a special focus on differences between groups and changes in dose values over time.

Materials and methods: The analysis was performed based on radiation exposure doses from the reports of accredited laboratory received by the Nuclear Medicine Department personnel in the Greater Poland Cancer Centre between 2008–2023. The nuclear medicine staff was divided into 5 groups: nurses, medical secretaries, nuclear medicine physicians, cleaning personnel and nuclear medicine radiographers further divided into two subgroups: those preparing radiopharmaceuticals and performing examinations (Group A) and those who perform only examinations (Group B).

Results: It was found that personnel who had contact with radioisotopes, i.e., the nurses and radiographers who prepare the radiopharmaceuticals, received higher doses than other employees. However, despite the increase, all employees of the Department receive doses below the limits resulting from the legal regulation.

Conclusion: In this study we found that nurses and radiographers handling radiopharmaceuticals receive higher radiation doses than other employees. The study advocates for further research into advanced protective measures and technologies to enhance safety in nuclear medicine practices.

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