Vol 29, No 6 (2024)
Research paper
Published online: 2025-01-10

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A prospective, comparative evaluation of an augmented reality tool (Postural Video™) vs. standard SGRT for efficient patient setup

Kira Oliver1, Nicholas Subick2, Torsten Moser3
DOI: 10.5603/rpor.104011
Rep Pract Oncol Radiother 2024;29(6):740-745.


Background: Surface guided radiation therapy (SGRT) for patient positioning and motion management during radiation therapy is used on ~40% of US linear accelerators. Postural Video™ (PV), an augmented reality tool for SGRT, is showing a live patient video feed against an outline of the intended treatment position, at patient setup and intrafraction monitoring. A study was performed to assess any potential additional values of SGRT with PV, versus SGRT alone.

Materials and methods: Two radiation therapy centers, comparable across patient numbers, case mix, treatment times and staff experience, were selected to compare performance difference in SGRT with/without PV, focused on productivity. Site A used SGRT alone for patient setup, while Site B used SGRT with PV. Both sites were proficient in the use of SGRT prior to the study. 250 treatment delivery fractions per site were analyzed, evaluating average patient setup time, average wait time and frequency of repeated radiographic imaging. A qualitative survey completed information of PV impact on setup quality, access, and efficiency.

Results: Average time saving per patient by introducing PV is 28.8% plus additional 60 sec time saving in patient wait time. Repeated radiographic imaging was reduced by 63% (p < 0.05). Qualitative ratings and open comments supported PV being included in standard SGRT.

Conclusions: The scope of this work was to evaluate a feature under economic considerations. This data demonstrates an increase in quality, safety, accuracy and efficiency of patient setup with PV, and allows us to make an objective, business-focused assessment of the investment in PV. 

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