Hyponatremia in peritoneal dialysis patients in the context of the new recommendations on diagnosis and therapy
Hyponatremia is a widespread, clinically significant electrolyte disorder. In peritoneal dialysis patients (PDP) hyponatremia is more common than in the general population and it affects approximately 15% of patients in this subgroup. In peritoneal dialysis patients hyponatremia may be symptomatic, however special attention should be paid on asymptomatic hyponatremia due to its crucial clinical and prognostic significance. In PDP asymptomatic hyponatremia is connected with higher cardiovascular risk. It also worsens the course of peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis and increases mortality in PDP. In patient undergoing peritoneal dialysis frequent monitoring of volemia, nutritional status and measurements of sodium, phosphate and glucose serum concentrations are recommended in order to early diagnosis of hyponatremia. Also other, common to general population, unrelated to peritoneal dialysis causes of hyponatremia should not be neglected in this group of patients.
Keywords: peritoneal dialysishyponatremiaasymptomatic hyponatremiaperitoneal dialysisrelated peritonitis