"Renal Disease and Transplantation Forum" is a full text English, open access continuous publishing aimed at broadening practical knowledge and becoming modern platform of scientific exchange in the field of nephrology, transplantology and renal replacement therapy. The main sections of the journal include clinical nephrology, haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, transplantology and nephrological nursing. The Scientific Council consists of eminent specialists in the field of nephrology from many centres in the country. The journal is addressed to nephrologists, internists, nephrology nurses, transplantologists and all other people interested in this subject. The journal is published under the patronage of the Polish Society of Paediatric Nephrology, the Polish Society of Nephrological Nurses, Poltransplant and Polish Transplant Society.

The Journal is a continuation of "Forum Nefrologiczne", educational quarterly of The Polish Society of Nephrology that served Polish professionals in nephrology for over 15 years.

  • Open access to all past and current volumes and issues.
  • Submission and publication are free of charge for the authors.
  • The electronic version is primary one.

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Alicja Dębska-Ślizień, MD, PhD