Hemodiafiltration in end-stage renal failure
Patients suffering from end-stage renal failure who require renal replacement therapy have a high mortality rate. Despite attempts to improve dialysis therapy, such as increasing the frequency or efficiency of dialysis, there has been no significant progress in extending tlife expectancy of dialysis patients. In addition to hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration is an available form of renal replacement therapy. The studies available to date have not demonstrated an advantage of either method. Recently, the CONVINCE study was published, which showed a reduction in total mortality in patients undergoing hemodiafiltration. This article summarizes the current knowledge on the use of hemodiafiltration in patients with endstage renal failure.
Keywords: end-stage renal failurehemodiafiltrationhemodialysisconvectiondiffusionCONVINCE study