Recent articles
Methods of renal replacement therapy in intensive care unit
Jan Biedunkiewicz, Alicja Dębska-Ślizień
Vol 18 (2025): Continuous Publishing
Review paper
Janusz Ostrowski, Bolesław Rutkowski
Vol 18 (2025): Continuous Publishing
Biographic note
Michał Charkiewicz, Łukasz Zdrojewski, Sławomir Lizakowski, Alicja Dębska-Ślizień
Case report
Tenckhoff catheter exit site and tunnel infections – guidelines vs. clinical practice
Szymon Drągowski, Joanna Szczykowska-Miller, Ewa Suchowierska, Beata Naumnik
Review paper
Joanna Musialik, Andrzej Więcek
Review paper
Skin neoplasia in kidney transplant candidates and recipients — new perspectives
Alicja Dębska-Ślizień, Małgorzata Sokołowska-Wojdyło, Ewa Pasierbska, Beata Imko-Walczuk
Review paper
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