English Polski
Vol 18, No 4 (2021)
Research paper
Published online: 2021-02-21

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The future of new technologies in psychological diagnosis and psychotherapy. Qualitative analysis based on Delphi method

Aleksandra Kubecka1, Julia Książek1, Rafał Styła1
Psychiatria 2021;18(4):275-281.


Introduction. At present telepsychology and telepsychiatry as a part of eHealth field dynamically develop new methods of help towards persons with psychological disorders using mobile applications, computer programmes, portable sensors, chatbots, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality and social robots. The aim of this study was to explore the possible answers for the question how new technologies will be used in the future in psychological diagnosis and psychotherapy. Materials and method. Twelve experts - psychologists, psychotherapists, IT specialists and philosophers - participated in the qualitative study based on the Delphi method. The study was conducted using semi-structured interviews. The questions concerned the use of new technologies in psychological diagnosis and psychotherapy in the near future (until 2030) and the distant future (until 2070). Results. Over the decade, experts expect an increase in the popularity of online therapies, psychophysiological state monitoring methods and virtual reality. Experts' opinions are divided in the assessment of changes in the long term - they range between futuristic solutions (e.g. mind reading) and a return to traditional methods. Experts believe that the mental health professions will not be replaced by machines, and that the direct therapeutic relationship between client and therapist will remain irreplaceable. Conclusions. New technologies will be used more frequently in psychological diagnosis and psychotherapy. Clinical psychologists and psychotherapists should be aware of the possibilities and limitations of new technological solutions

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