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Published online: 2024-08-14
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Qualitative analysis of the health programme “Prevention of depressive disorders among adolescents aged 16-17 years”

Katarzyna Ziarek1, Robert Ziarek1, Valentina Fedorovich2


Introduction: The mental health of young people is a valuable social capital. The future of society will depend on the health, especially mental health, of the young generation. The initiatives of the Polish government for the protection of the mental health of children and adolescents are mainly concerned with the implementation of preventive programmes and the improvement of the availability of psychiatric and psychological care.

Objectives: The aim of the study is a qualitative analysis of the health programme entitled. “Prevention of depressive disorders among young people aged 16–17 years”, carried out in the Lublin Province in 2015. The programme was implemented in three stages: I — early diagnosis; II — psychoprophylaxis; III — summary and continuation of the programme.

Material and methods: A total of 962 students studying in 18 secondary schools from 14 localities, 3 sub-regions of Lubelskie Voivodeship: Bialskie, Chelmskie and Zamojskie joined the programme. The full path of support was realised by 900 students (512 girls and 388 boys) aged 16–17. At the stage of early psychological diagnosis, screening was carried out among the examined adolescents on the basis of the Goldberg questionnaire (GHQ-12), the Beck depression scale (BDI) and the scale of depression in adolescents according to Kutcher (KADS), determining the level of intensity of stress and depressive disorders and the presence and intensity of suicidal or self-harming thoughts, plans or acts.

Results: The participation of adolescents in this programme allowed the main objective to be achieved — to identify a group of adolescents at risk of developing a disorder and to include them in specialist help. The specific goals of increasing the ability to name and express emotions, increasing social skills and coping with stress, increasing awareness of the prevalence of depression in adolescence and ways to treat it, also contributed to increasing the possibility of resisting depression and improving the mental health of young people. Students rated the usefulness of the programme highly. Almost all — as many as 94% of girls and 89% of boys — indicated that the programme was “very useful”, with the remainder indicating that it was “rather useful”.

Conclusions: The presented health programme speaks in favour of the need for further psycho-prevention among adolescents. In addition to preventive measures to reduce risk factors, it is worth strengthening protective factors and the psychological resilience of young people.

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