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Tom 20, Nr 4 (2023)
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Eksport do Mediów Społecznościowych

Eksport do Mediów Społecznościowych

Dynamics of changes as a determinant of diagnosis in neurodevelopmental disorders

Aleksandra Mariola Kołecka1
Psychiatria 2023;20(4):166-169.


Neurodevelopmental disorders can be defined as specific developmental pathologies that most often manifest themselves in the early stages of human development. Due to the wide nosological catalog of neurodevelopmental disorders, the diagnosis of these disorders is extremely difficult and complex. The aim of this article is a multi-aspect assessment of the diagnostic process of neurodevelopmental disorders, taking into account the dynamics of changes and the type of causes of diagnostic difficulties. The issues discussed in the article can be a starting point for diagnostics in developmental neuropsychology and create a clear overview of variables that are worth taking into account during the diagnosis process.

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