English Polski
Tom 20, Nr 3 (2023)
Krótkie doniesienie naukowe
Opublikowany online: 2023-10-06
Wyświetlenia strony 632
Wyświetlenia/pobrania artykułu 168
Pobierz cytowanie

Eksport do Mediów Społecznościowych

Eksport do Mediów Społecznościowych

Tryptophan level is related to personality, not to diagnosis or suicidality, in psychiatric inpatients — a pilot study

Tytus Jacek Koweszko1, Jacek Gierus2, Anna Zalewska3, Mateusz Maciejczyk4, Napoleon Waszkiewicz5, Małgorzata Tobiaszewska6, Agata Szulc5
Psychiatr 2023;20(3):135-139.


According to research studies the deficiency of tryptophan is associated with depression and suicidal behaviours. The objective of this study is to identify the impact of tryptophan on psychological portrait in patients hospitalized psychiatrically. This pilot study included 59 participants, aged 19–65, psychiatrically hospitalized. The Adjective Checklist (ACL) was used to identify personality traits of the subjects. Blood specimens were collected and measured for tryptophan, N-formylkynurenine and kynurenine. The Spearman’s rho was used to analyse the relation between psychological picture and biochemical measures. The conducted statistical analysis revealed several significant relationships between personality traits and fluorescence of tryptophan and N-formylkynurenine. No significant correlations between tryptophan levels and suicidality or diagnosis were disclosed. Outcomes are discussed in terms of potential influence of genetic factors, both on personality and tryptophan levels.

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