Vol 16, No 3 (2019)
Review paper
Published online: 2019-07-09
Weight rehabilitation program in anorexia
Psychiatria 2019;16(3):132-138.
Anorexia nervosa occurs in 0.3-2.2% of people. It is estimated that mortality in anorexia is around 5-20%. Suicides cause about half of deaths in anorexia, other deaths are a consequence of complications (mainly those of a cardiological nature). Weight rehabilitation is aimed primarily at rebuilding the reserves of the body and motivational work, which in turn will lead to a decision on further therapeutic treatment. Incorrect implementation of nutritional rehabilitation in patients with anorexia may result in re-feeding syndrome (RFS). In this syndrome, in malnourished patients in whom high energy nutrition is included, there are severe electrolyte disturbances, mainly low levels of phosphorus, magnesium and potassium in serum, and metabolic disorders.The Society for the Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) recommends in the first phase of nutritional rehabilitation covering the period up to the seventh day from the beginning, supply of 5-10 kcal / kg of the patient's body weight per day. The diet should correspond to the assumptions of the easily digestible diet, in addition to the diet should be supplemented with B vitamins with special regard to thiamine (vitamin B1).
Keywords: anorexiaweight rehabilitationrefeeding syndrome
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