Vol 74, Supp. V (2016)
Case studies
Published online: 2016-10-12
Bisoprolol in ischaemic heart disease — examples of use in clinical practice
DOI: 10.5603/KP.2016.0133
Bisoprolol belongs to the modern β-adrenolytics without vasodilators properties, being also highly cardioselective drug. In contrast to third generation β -adrenolytics (nebivolol, carvedilol), bisoprolol much more effectively and quickly reduces heart rate, and therefore we should use it when we think about more effective control of heart rate, which is extremely important in patients with coronary heart disease. This paper presents the case histories of patients with coronary artery disease who were treated with bisoprolol.
Keywords: β-adrenolytic drugbisoprololischaemic heart disease