The foundation of the Polish Cardiac Society and the Polish Heart Journal
Polish cardiology began to evolve as a separate branch of internal medicine before 1918, and further development came in the interwar period. Until 1939, the greatest contribution to the development of cardiology as an independent clinical specialty was made by Mściwój Semerau‑Siemianowski, professor of the University of Warsaw, who continued these efforts after World War II. In 1950, on his initiative, the Section of Cardiology was created at the Polish Society of Internal Medicine. In 1954, the Section was transformed into the Polish Cardiac Society. Jerzy Jakubowski became its president. At that time, Polish cardiologists had already managed to prepare several independent publishing projects, including 5 volumes of the collective monograph Advances in Cardiology (Postępy Kardiologii). The culmination of these activities was the Polish Heart Journal (Kardiologia Polska), a quarterly issued by the Polish Cardiac Society regularly since 1957. Jerzy Jakubowski became its editor‑in‑chief and the editorial office was located in Łódź.