Vol 68, No 8 (2010)
Chorzy trudni nietypowi
Published online: 2010-08-21
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in patients with Fabry’s disease
DOI: 10.33963/v.kp.79642
Kardiol Pol 2010;68(8):929-934.
Fabry’s disease (FD) is a rare hereditary disorder caused by the loss of alpha galactosidase A activity leading to accumulation
of glycosphingolipids in various organs including hypertrophy of the heart. Most reports on cardiac involvement in FD focus
on the left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and its relation to diastolic function. However, recent studies demonstrated large
subset of patients with FD and right ventricle (RV) hypertophy. The accurate depiction of RV volumes, function and mass is
possible with cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). The CMR study can be also used to identify typically localised
regions of intramyocardial fibrosis (infero-lateral segments of the LV), which have been shown to be a marker of inefficacious
response to enzyme replacement therapy. We present series of 8 patients with genetically confirmed FD who underwent
CMR study. We demonstrated a typical concentric and diffuse pattern of LVH with RV involvement in patients with the most
severe LVH without significant impact on RV function and volumes. We showed that myocardial fibrosis can be observed not
only in LV but also in RV. In 2 patients FD coexisted with symptomatic coronary artery disease with evidence of subendocardial
myocardial fibrosis typical for ischaemic origin in one patient. The CMR confirmation of the presence of FD in one
patient at an early stage of the disease, before the onset of advanced hypertrophy or failure of other organs, supports the
value of this imaging technique in differential diagnosis of concentric and diffuse LVH.
Kardiol Pol 2010; 68, 8: 929-934
Kardiol Pol 2010; 68, 8: 929-934
Keywords: Fabry’s diseaseleft ventricular hypertrophyright ventriclemagnetic resonance imaging