Vol 69, No 4 (2011)
Invasive electrophysiology
Published online: 2011-04-26
Cryoablation of ventricular arrhythmias originating from septal aspects of mitral and tricuspid annulus
DOI: 10.33963/v.kp.79368
Kardiol Pol 2011;69(4):409-412.
Two cases of frequent ventricular ectopy are described. Case one: a 49 year-old woman with post myocarditis extrasytoles
(34 000/24 h). The ectopic focus was located on the tricuspid annulus - directly in the area of largest and sharpest His
bundle potential and where direct His bundle capture was observed during all pace mapping attempts. Case two: a 15 year-
-old men with idiopathic, very frequent premature ventricular beats from septal aspect of the mitral annulus. The area of
earliest activation during the spontaneous ectopy with 12/12 pace map match showed obvious His bundle potential, moreover,
the radiofrequency ablation catheter was unstable in that position (inferoseptal from retrograde aortic approach). In
both cases treatment with cryoablation was successfully and uneventful. In conclusion, cryoablation instead of radiofrequency
current ablation should be used for ventricular ectopy from septal part of the tricuspid or mitral annuli especially in cases
of parahisian localisation and/or catheter instability.
Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 4: 409-412
Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 4: 409-412
Keywords: cryoablationventricular extrasystolesventricualr tachycardiaparahisianmitral annulustricuspid annulus