Vol 70, No 2 (2012)
Echokardiogram miesiąca
Published online: 2012-02-17
Zaawansowana optymalizacja parametrów stymulacji resynchronizującej pod kontrolą echokardiografii
DOI: 10.33963/v.kp.79011
Kardiol Pol 2012;70(2):187-189.
In patients with heart failure treated with cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT), proper programming of the device can enhance the benefits of stimulation. Nowadays, adjustment of atrio-ventricular delay (AVD) is usually guided by echocardiography
and performed only in resting conditions. The issue of optimal CRT programming during exercise, and the decision regarding the use of rate-adaptive pacing and rate-adaptive AVD algorithm during CRT, are largely empirical. We present
a case report, and we indicate that programming of rate-adaptive pacing and rate-adaptive AVD algorithm on the basis of extended echocardiographic evaluation can further benefit the individual patient.
Keywords: cardiac resynchronisation therapyatrio-ventricular delayechocardiographyexerciseheart failure