Vol 15, No 2 (2021)
Review paper
Published online: 2021-05-20

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Endocrine and metabolic disorders in cancer patients

Małgorzata Niemiec1, Aleksandra Niemiec2
Palliat Med Pract 2021;15(2):203-211.


Endocrine and metabolic disorders can occur in the form of paraneoplastic syndrome and as a consequence
of oncological treatment. The most common disorders include hypercalcaemia, ectopic production of vasopressin
in the course of cancer, ectopic Cushing’s syndrome and secondary osteoporosis. What should be
taken into account during the diagnosis of endocrine disorders, is paraneoplastic syndrome that frequently
precedes the occurrence of symptoms typical of a particular diagnosis, which could influence the proper
orientation of the diagnostic process. During and after anticancer treatment, it is recommended that
patients should be monitored for the possible development of acute or chronic metabolic and endocrine
disorders which may pose a threat to their life or health.

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