Vol 14, No 1 (2020)
Research paper
Published online: 2020-05-08

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An analysis of medical records of patients diagnosed with cardiomyopathy and provided with inpatient palliative care

Aleksandra Niemiec1, Wojciech Siejak1, Małgorzata Niemiec1, Riad El-Zein1
Palliat Med Pract 2020;14(1):7-11.


Palliative care, currently also called ‘supportive care’, is a specialist care that focuses on improving the
quality of life by relieving symptoms and stress in patients with an incurable disease. The actions taken are
aimed at preventing suffering, treating pain and other somatic symptoms as well as at helping to solve
psychosocial and spiritual problems, along with support for the patient’s family.
Heart failure caused by cardiomyopathy is an incurable disease that limits vital functions and is provided
with guaranteed palliative and hospice care. This is a progressive disease and therapy only slows down its
course, which means that the patient will be accompanied by the diagnosis throughout their whole life
and this disease will be the cause of death in some cases.
This article includes an analysis of the documentation of patients with cardiomyopathy, in whom standard
methods of treatment, facilitating the improvement of heart function, proved to be ineffective. In order to
improve the quality of life, patients were transferred to the Department of Palliative Medicine.

Palliat Med Pract 2020; 14, 1: 7–11

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Palliative Medicine in Practice