open access

Vol 13, No 2 (2019)
Case report
Published online: 2019-06-05
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English-speaking patient diagnosed with breast cancer and multiple bone metastases cared in a Polish Home Hospice

Grzegorz Marciniak1
Palliat Med Pract 2019;13(2):106-109.
  1. Hospicjum św. Wawrzyńca, Dickmana 6, 81-109 Gdynia, Poland

open access

Vol 13, No 2 (2019)
Case report
Published online: 2019-06-05


A case of an English–speaking patient who lived in Poland with a breast cancer diagnosis and multiple bone metastases who did not opt for returning to the United States for further treatment has been described in the article. During care which was provided at the patient's home by the so called "Home Hospice" the palliative care team, which consisted of a doctor, a nurse and a psychologist, provided optimum treatment and fulfilled most of the patient's expectations. The significance of proper communication both between the home care team and the patient and within the interdisciplinary hospice team has been emphasized in the publication.


A case of an English–speaking patient who lived in Poland with a breast cancer diagnosis and multiple bone metastases who did not opt for returning to the United States for further treatment has been described in the article. During care which was provided at the patient's home by the so called "Home Hospice" the palliative care team, which consisted of a doctor, a nurse and a psychologist, provided optimum treatment and fulfilled most of the patient's expectations. The significance of proper communication both between the home care team and the patient and within the interdisciplinary hospice team has been emphasized in the publication.
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breast cancer, bone metastases, quality of life

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English-speaking patient diagnosed with breast cancer and multiple bone metastases cared in a Polish Home Hospice


Palliative Medicine in Practice


Vol 13, No 2 (2019)

Article type

Case report



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Bibliographic record

Palliat Med Pract 2019;13(2):106-109.


breast cancer
bone metastases
quality of life


Grzegorz Marciniak

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