Vol 6 (2021): Continuous Publishing
Case report
Published online: 2021-12-30
Retinal nerve fiber layer defects in the presence of a physiological cup to disc ratio — a case series
DOI: 10.5603/OJ.2021.0043
Ophthalmol J 2021;6:258-264.
Retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) defects are one of the earliest signs of glaucoma. Typically, these RNFL defects are associated with an increased cup/disc ratio and a thinning of the neuroretinal rim. When the cup/disc ratio is within normal limits, the observer can misdiagnose subtle RNFL defects and lead to an essential delay in diagnosis, which has negative visual consequences in these patients. We present a case series report addressing RNFL defects with a physiological cup/disc ratio.
Keywords: glaucomaretinal nerve fiber defectscup/disc ratio
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