Vol 58, No 3 (2024)
Research Paper
Published online: 2024-06-07

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Is target-controlled infusion better than manual controlled infusion during TIVA for elective neurosurgery? Results of a single-centre pilot study

Seweryn Niewiadomski1, Kamil Chwojnicki1, Radosław Owczuk1
Pubmed: 38845558
Neurol Neurochir Pol 2024;58(3):331-337.


Introduction. Maintaining optimal systemic circulatory parameters is essential to ensure adequate cerebral perfusion (CPP) during neurosurgery, especially when autoregulation is impaired.

Aim of study. To compare two types of total intravenous anaesthesia i.e. target controlled infusion (TCI) and manually controlled infusion (MCI) with propofol and remifentanil in terms of their control of cardiovascular parameters during neurosurgical resection of intracranial pathology.

Material and methods. Patients with supratentorial intracranial pathology were selected for the study. Patients in ASA grades III and IV and those with diseases of the circulatory system were excluded. Patients were randomly divided into two equal groups according to the method of general anaesthesia used i.e. TCI or MCI. During the neurosurgery, the values of mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), bispectral index (BIS) and central venous pressure were monitored and recorded at the designated 14 relevant (i.e. critical from the anaesthetist’s and neurosurgeon’s points of view) measurement points.

Results. Fifty patients (25 TCI and 25 MCI) were enrolled in the study. The groups did not differ with respect to sex, age and BMI, operation time or volume of removed lesions. TCI-anaesthetised patients had better MAP stability at the respective time points.

Conclusions. Due to the greater stability of MAP, which has a direct effect on CPP, TCI appears to be the method of choice in anaesthesia for intracranial surgery.

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