Herpes zoster prevention in multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders
A working group convened by the Section of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology of the Polish Neurological Society, the Polish Society of Family Medicine, and the Polish Society of Vaccinology has developed a consensus on supplementary data to the recommendations of the expert group of the Polish Society of Vaccinology, the Polish Society of Family Medicine, the Polish Dermatological Society, the Polish Association for the Study of Pain, and the Polish Neurological Society, and ECTRIMS/EAN of 2023 with regard to the currently available in Poland recombinant herpes zoster vaccine (RZV). It is intended for the prevention of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in individuals aged > 50 and individuals aged ≥ 18 who belong to herpes zoster risk groups. In Poland it is available with 50% reimbursement exclusively for patients aged 65 and older who have an increased risk of developing herpes zoster.
This statement is based on the literature available as of 12 July 2024. The guidance will be updated as new data emerges. All data regarding the above-mentioned vaccine comes from clinical trials which have been reviewed, published and approved by the regulatory authorities and an increasing number of recommendations that might have an impact on real world data.
Keywords: herpes zostermultiple sclerosisneuromyelitis optica spectrum disordersrisk of herpes zosterindications for vaccination
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