Vol 72, No 2 (2021)
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Published online: 2021-06-28

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Determining the factors that affect self-reported quality of life among Turkish seafarers

İsmail Hakkı Demir1, Deniz Oruç2, Serap Bayram3
Pubmed: 34212353
IMH 2021;72(2):129-137.


Background: The purpose of this study is to determine the quality of life (QOL) of Turkish seafarers and its relationship with the factors affecting it.
Materials and methods: A total of 103 Turkish seafarers completed an “Employee Assessment Form” and “WHOQOL-BREF” Scale.
Results: The majority of the seafarers who participated in the study were males (98%) of the age group 36–48 (44%). Among the seamen, 58% smoked and 42% used alcohol. The rate of exercising was 29% and the mean body mass index was 27.63 ± 3.78. Average scores of WHOQOL-BREF sub-dimension are 15.99 ± 1.83 for physical (PHY), 15.77 ± 2.26 for psychological (PSY), 15.50 ± 2.73 for social (SOC), 14.17 ± 2.25 for environmental domain (ENV), and finally 14.18 ± 2.13 for ENV-TR.
Conclusions: According to the results of this study, it is possible to argue that Turkish seafarers have a weak awareness towards improving their health and QOL in their working life and that they need assistance in improving their QOL, especially in psychological and social aspects.

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