Vol 68, No 4 (2017)
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Published online: 2017-12-22

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Predictors for occupational injuries and diseases among commercial fishers in Finland 1996–2015

Kim O. Kaustell1, Tiina E.A. Mattila1, Timo Hurme1, Pekka S. Salmi1, Risto H. Rautiainen21
Pubmed: 29297570
IMH 2017;68(4):196-202.


Fishing is a hazardous occupation worldwide. Commercial fishers in Finland are an aging and diminishing population with a high injury rate. Insurance claims data for self-employed Finnish commercial fishers during the years 1996 through 2015 (n = 1951) were analysed to assess predictors for occupational injuries and diseases. Out of the available variables, fishery location, career length, and participation in the voluntary occupational health service programme were not significant predictors. Male gender (OR 2.02; 95% CI 1.37–2.99), Finnish mother tongue vs. Swedish (OR 1.98, 95% CI 1.53–2.55), and higher income levels from fishing (four income categories, OR range: 1.71–3.53) were associated with higher odds for a compensated occupational injury or disease claim among commercial fishers in the final multivariate model. The identified risk groups could be targeted for interventions, and the content of the occupational health service programme should be developed to gain protective effect.


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