Vol 75, No 4 (2024)
Review article
Published online: 2024-10-11

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Advance Directives at Sea: legal and ethical considerations

Man Teng Iong1
Pubmed: 39743880
Int Marit Health 2024;75(4):262-266.


This paper delves into the unexplored area of Advance Directives (ADs) in maritime surroundings, diving
into the moral and legal quandaries that crop up when these directives are used at sea. ADs, which include
durable powers of attorney and living wills, are essential documents that indicate a person’s wishes
for healthcare in the event of incapacitation. Global variations in legal recognition pose ethical questions,
particularly in non-regulated jurisdictions. The maritime context introduces unique challenges, questioning
the ethical applicability and binding of ADs at sea. Despite international and European laws ensuring
medical assistance, the absence of specific provisions for ADs raises uncertainties. The paper advocates
for a balanced approach respecting autonomy while addressing practical challenges, proposing solutions
and a standardized international framework. This exploration seeks to uphold individual healthcare preferences,
whether on solid ground or navigating the open sea.

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