open access

Vol 75, No 1 (2024)
Original article
Submitted: 2023-12-08
Accepted: 2024-03-07
Published online: 2024-03-29
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Musculoskeletal disorders of fishermen in the artisanal and coastal sector

Omar Laraqui1, Christine Roland-Lévy1, Tarik Ghailan2, Hicham El Bouri3, Nadia Manar4, Frédéric Deschamps5, Chakib El Houssine Laraqui4
DOI: 10.5603/imh.98470
Pubmed: 38647054
IMH 2024;75(1):1-9.
  1. Laboratoire de psychologie, Cognition, Santé, Socialisation, Reims, France
  2. Moroccan Society of Maritime Health, Tangier, Morocco
  3. Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tangier
  4. Graduate School of Health Engineering, Casablanca, Morocco
  5. University Institute of Occupational Health and Environmental Medicine, Reims, France

open access

Vol 75, No 1 (2024)
MARITIME MEDICINE Original article
Submitted: 2023-12-08
Accepted: 2024-03-07
Published online: 2024-03-29


Background: The aim of this study was to screen for musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) complaints, to analyse the activity and to identify their risk factors. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional epidemiological study involved 903 men aged > 20 years and with a seniority > 2 years. It included a questionnaire and an ergonomic analysis of the activity. The questionnaire included: socio-demographic and occupational characteristics, health status and life habits, stress and items from the Nordic questionnaire. The observation of work situations required video recordings and the use of three methods: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) and the Gesture Tracking and Assessment Tool (Outil de Repérage et d’Évaluation des Gestes: OREGE). Results: The prevalence of MSDs was 61.9%. It was significantly higher among deckhands than among other professionals (65.6% vs 27.4%; p < 0.001) and in seasonal workers than in permanent workers (67.8% vs 43.1%; p < 0.001). A positive correlation was noted between MSDs and daily work duration. Stress was an aggravating factor, whereas leisure activities were protective. The prevalence of MSDs was 40.5% (lower back), 40.4% (wrist/hand joints), 34.6% (neck) and 31.7% (shoulders). The ergonomic analysis of the workstation was performed on a deckhand who unloaded the fish crates out of the hold of a trawler. OSHA score = 12 (normal < 5); significant risk of upper limb MSD. RULA total score = 7 (acceptable between 1 and 2); immediate modification. OREGE scores evaluating effort, repetitiveness and joint positions indicate that the actions were not recommended or to be avoided. Conclusions: The analysis made it possible to evaluate the difficulty of the job and to note a high risk of MSDs requiring ergonomic and organizational improvements.


Background: The aim of this study was to screen for musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) complaints, to analyse the activity and to identify their risk factors. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional epidemiological study involved 903 men aged > 20 years and with a seniority > 2 years. It included a questionnaire and an ergonomic analysis of the activity. The questionnaire included: socio-demographic and occupational characteristics, health status and life habits, stress and items from the Nordic questionnaire. The observation of work situations required video recordings and the use of three methods: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) and the Gesture Tracking and Assessment Tool (Outil de Repérage et d’Évaluation des Gestes: OREGE). Results: The prevalence of MSDs was 61.9%. It was significantly higher among deckhands than among other professionals (65.6% vs 27.4%; p < 0.001) and in seasonal workers than in permanent workers (67.8% vs 43.1%; p < 0.001). A positive correlation was noted between MSDs and daily work duration. Stress was an aggravating factor, whereas leisure activities were protective. The prevalence of MSDs was 40.5% (lower back), 40.4% (wrist/hand joints), 34.6% (neck) and 31.7% (shoulders). The ergonomic analysis of the workstation was performed on a deckhand who unloaded the fish crates out of the hold of a trawler. OSHA score = 12 (normal < 5); significant risk of upper limb MSD. RULA total score = 7 (acceptable between 1 and 2); immediate modification. OREGE scores evaluating effort, repetitiveness and joint positions indicate that the actions were not recommended or to be avoided. Conclusions: The analysis made it possible to evaluate the difficulty of the job and to note a high risk of MSDs requiring ergonomic and organizational improvements.

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fishermen; musculoskeletal disorders; screening; biomechanics; risk factors

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Musculoskeletal disorders of fishermen in the artisanal and coastal sector


International Maritime Health


Vol 75, No 1 (2024)

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Original article



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IMH 2024;75(1):1-9.


musculoskeletal disorders
risk factors


Omar Laraqui
Christine Roland-Lévy
Tarik Ghailan
Hicham El Bouri
Nadia Manar
Frédéric Deschamps
Chakib El Houssine Laraqui

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