Vol 69, No 2 (2018)
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Published online: 2018-06-22

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Occupational safety and health in maritime sector in Morocco 60 years after independence: current state, constraints and prospects

Omar Laraqui1, Nadia Manar2, Salwa Laraqui2, Tarik Ghailan3, Frédéric Deschamps1, Chakib El Houssine Laraqui2
Pubmed: 29939387
IMH 2018;69(2):110-117.


Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the situation 60 years after independence, to assess
the current state, to highlight the constraints and to propose recommendations for improving occupational
health in the maritime sector.

Materials and methods: This study was based on collecting data of: 1) Legislative texts on occupational
health and safety; 2) Statistics from administrations (Ministry of Health and Ministry of Marine Fisheries),
general medical council of Morocco, scientific societies and associations of occupational health and maritime
medicine; 3) Analysis of a self-questionnaire sent to 22 physicians working in fishermen’s health services
and listed in the yearbook 2017 of the Moroccan Society of Maritime Medicine. It included five sections:
socio-demographic and professional characteristics, training, assessment of activities, constraints in their
exercise and ten priority recommendations to improve the situation.

Results: Health and safety in maritime sector are progressing since the Labour Code of 2004 and the
Convention of December 27, 1996 between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Marine Fisheries. It
concerns the organisation of a fishermen’s health prevention with the establishment of the fishermen’s health
office at central level and fishermen’s health services at the main ports. However, medical coverage is
still insufficient. Maritime medicine remains an unattractive specialty because the physicians are a poorly
paid and have some difficult working conditions.

Conclusions: The absence of up-to-date synthetic data on safety and health in maritime sectors led us
to carry out this study, which showed some dysfunctions and deficiencies that hinder the promotion of
workers’ health in this sector. The recommendations proposed by the physicians should be the backbone
of any improvement related to occupational health and safety. It is the practitioners themselves who, faced
with their practice, are the best able to disseminate a reflection qualified as ethical, which cannot be
dissociated from their everyday activities.

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