Vol 68, No 2 (2017)
Case report
Published online: 2017-06-27

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Exploring the core of crew resource management course: speak up or stay silent

Roar Espevik1, Evelyn Rose Saus1, Olav Kjellvold Olsen1
Pubmed: 28660617
IMH 2017;68(2):126-132.


The Norwegian Costal Express travels 24/7 along a coast considered as one of the most dangerous littoral areas of the world. It is crucial for safe voyage to speak up when one of the crewmembers discovers a discrepancy or vital new information to the passage that needs to be shared and acted upon. Crew resource management courses are intended to increase safety and we suggest that the key is to enhance the ability to speak up. Watch keepers valued a 4-h course intended to enhance the ability to speak up and improve listening skills as highly relevant (89%) and educational (69%). These high scores indicate that this type of training is necessary to improve safety.  


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