Vol 57, No 1-4 (2006)
Published online: 2010-03-26
Reviewing lessons learnet of SARS in Singapore during planning for influenza pandemic
Int Marit Health 2006;57(1-4):163-176.
There were many lessons learnt in Singapore’s fight against SARS, and they have
proven to be all the more important in our preparations for an influenza pandemic. The
following lessons are discussed in this paper including: the widespread ramifications
among the various sectors in Singapore (individuals, organizations, community and
economy), the first principles of outbreak response, need for enhanced infectious
disease control measures, high demands on the healthcare system, the role of
management policies implementation and dissemination, multidisciplinary involvement,
importance of communication, and business continuity planning.
Keywords: SARS, lessons, Singapore, business continuity, outbreak response