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Published online: 2025-03-05

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Background and Objectives: SCUBA diving is a widely popular activity in Turkikye, surrounded by seas on three sides. While most marine creatures in these waters are harmless, a few poses significant risks, necessitating awareness and precautions for divers' safety. This report highlights the various harmful sea creatures found in Turkish waters, their potential injuries, and appropriate first aid responses. Materials and Methods: Data were gathered from workshops, literature reviews, diving activities and case reports. Results: Notable harmful species include jellyfish, sea anemones, bristle worms, sea urchins, greater weever fish, and others. Injuries range from stings and bites to venom-induced symptoms, requiring immediate and specific medical interventions. Conclusions: The paper aims to enhance especially emergency doctors and general practitioners’ better recognition and management of harmful marine life encounters in Turkish waters.

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