Impact of body mass index and gestational weight gain on cesarean delivery rates: a comparative study of dinoprostone-induced vs spontaneous labor
Objectives: This study investigates the relationship between pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), BMI before labor, and weight gain during pregnancy with the incidence of cesarean delivery (CD) in dinoprostone-induced labor versus spontaneous labor. Material and methods: This retrospective analysis was carried out at the Jagiellonian University Hospital's Obstetrics and Perinatology Department, encompassing term singleton pregnancies from May 2019 to February 2021. BMI was categorized following WHO guidelines. Gestational weight gain was assessed against the Institute of Medicine's 2009 recommendations. Results: Of the 366 cases reviewed, 183 were in the dinoprostone-induced labor group, and 183 were in the spontaneous labor group. The study identified a significant association between higher pre-pregnancy BMI and increased weight gain during pregnancy with elevated CD rates, especially in dinoprostone-induced labor compared to spontaneous labor. Specifically, the dinoprostone-induced labor group showed a 33.9% CD rate compared to 16.9% in the spontaneous labor group. Logistic regression analysis further established that for each 1 kg/m² increase in pre-pregnancy BMI, the odds of undergoing a CD increased by 10%. Conclusions: Elevated pre-pregnancy BMI and excessive gestational weight gain significantly heighten the risk of cesarean delivery, particularly in induced labor. The findings underline the need for individualized labor management strategies for women with higher BMI to optimize maternal and neonatal outcomes.
Keywords: body mass indexpregnancy weight gaininduction of labordinoprostonecesarean section
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